Your gift helps turn the despair of abuse into the promise of hope.

Children’s Center is committed to delivering excellence in responding to child abuse by uniting professionals and providing a safe place to find hope and healing.

As a nationally accredited Child Advocacy Center, we provide three critical services: Forensic Interviews, Sexual Assault Forensic Exams/Child at Risk Exams, and Trauma Focused Therapy.

Our interviews and medical exams are conducted by specially trained professionals. During forensic interviews, a multidisciplinary team of law enforcement, Children’s Division, the juvenile office and medical professionals observe the child, share information, and determine the best course of action to serve the best interest of the child. Our trauma focused clinical therapy program provides a variety of delivery methods to give children the coping skills to reframe their trauma and power to overcome the abuse.

We are proud of the work we do, and we invite you to get involved!

Help us brighten the future of abused children.

What to Expect

What happens at Children’s Center?

Children’s Center provides a safe, neutral, child friendly setting for the investigation of child abuse. We provide forensic interviews and medical evaluations regarding allegations of child abuse. We work together as a multidisciplinary team. This means that team members from various agencies including: law enforcement, Children’s Division, juvenile officers, etc. come together to obtain needed information. This process limits the number of interviews that your child will have to participate in.

Can I bring my child directly to Children’s Center if I suspect he/she has been abused?

No. Any time an allegation of abuse occurs, law enforcement and Children’s Division must be involved. The CAC does not actually investigate the alleged abuse. We simply provide the services to most accurately collect the evidence for an investigation. Therefore, we cannot interview or examine children without the coordinated approach of the multidisciplinary team.